Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Creative Cravings 01.24.11

I have failed to cite my sources for the inspiration behind these postings.  A Cup of Jo, Making It Lovely and Dooce all do lovely weekly collections of links and inspired me to do the same.

On to it -

(via Neatorama)

I cannot wait to watch this (via Neatorama)

January is Braille Literacy Month (via Neatorama)

Much classier than tagging (via Neatorama)

Hi to you too! (via Neatorama)

Trip Plan #1 (via Neatorama)

Trip Plan #2 (via Visual News)

Wish this explained why I am unemployed (again) (via Visual News)

My friend, Heather, did this (via Visual News)

Visualizing autism


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