Secondly, I went to a funeral for an infant on Saturday. One of Jason's cousin's baby was born at 25 weeks and lived for six months. That was hard. Upsetting enough if I wasn't pregnant. I lost it at one point and thankfully was able to step away with Jason and ball my eyes out.
On a lighter note, we did finally purchase our own copy of Blades of Glory. That movie is so amazingly funny. I heart Will Ferrell something fierce.
I also purchased my second piece of maternity clothing. This first was actually purchased a year ago - I needed a long sleeved black shirt and the maternity one was comfy, fit well and only $5.99. This week, I got a dress, one that I believe I could wear after pregnancy. It was kind of a silly purchase, since what I went into the store for was a pair of jeans. But the dress fit great and made me feel pretty. When I first tried it on, I thought: "Hmmm, it enhances my stomach pooch, not good." Then I remembered that was the whole point. For once, I can give myself permission to buy clothes that highlight the pooch! Viva la pregnancy!
I realized this week that I am craving foods from my childhood - mac & cheese, jello, milkshakes, Fig Newtons, pickles, pasta with butter and parmesan (for years, I refused to eat pasta with tomato sauce), etc. Comfort food?
I keep having dreams that the baby is born and fits into the palm of my hand and that I have a very hard time keeping him/her safe - I drop the baby, lose the baby, it falls into stuff, etc. I also dreamt last night that Janet Jackson and I were competing against each other at a swim meet. She was good - too good.
Update on Donkey Basketball - so, two of my co-workers have spectated such events. And the donkeys? They wear rubber shoes. At first I thought the shoes were to protect them - keep them from sliding on the gym floor. But, no, they're to keep them from scuffing the gym floor. I imagine they also help keep them safe. What I wonder if what jack-ass (pun intended) seconded the idea of Donkey Basketball in the first place? I can see someone having the idea, but who in their right mind would then say, "Yeah! That's a great idea! Let's do it!" It's the other people who went along with the idea that I worry about.
Can you tell Jason is out of town and that I spent most of yesterday not speaking to anyone?