Monday, November 21, 2011

A friend date

On Sunday, I met up with a co-worker and went for a walk. It was so great to get out of the house and move and chat. Just an hour and a half and I felt so energized.

Plus, her two kids are 5 and 7 and you could converse with them. It made me excited for the girls and I to talk someday.

I've also signed up to do The Happiness Project and bought the book by Gretchen Rubin. It's about training yourself to be happier by creating your own happiness plan.

For Thanksgiving, we're having dinner with friends and their family. Then Saturday, I'll make a solo trip to Portland for a baby shower and Heather time. We plan to go to a sauna, eat Thai food, watch Love, Actually and go to yoga. Relaxing and rejuvenating.

Happy Thanksgiving!


sunnywave said...

happy thanksgiving!!! ooh, heathy time, yay!!!! :-)

heathre said...

Cannot wait!